Medical One Moorabbin

Medical One is a leading provider of health care services in Victoria and South Australia.

Medical One is a leading provider of health care services in Victoria and South Australia with 9 centres located in Melbourne and a centre in Southern Adelaide.

The Medical One support office is based in South Melbourne, Victoria.

Our medical centres are fully integrated and services include general practitioners, pathology, pharmacy, physiotherapy, podiatry, dentistry, radiology, optometry and visiting specialists. Check the Medical One website for a list of current allied health providers at this location.

Medical One is Australian owned and operated by doctors and began in the early 1990's. The focus of Medical One is providing the highest quality of ongoing care to our patients.

All Medical One centres are fully computerised utilising Zedmed clinical software. Zedmed is also a partner company with Medical One, likewise ensuring that the software bests suits the needs of general practitioners. For further information in relation to Zedmed, please refer to

Medical One is proudly partnered with Medical Records Exchange (MRE) which enables GP's and Specialist’s to process insurance requests easily, quickly and securely online. MRE is utilised by the General Practitioners throughout Australia to complete insurance requests in a timely manner. For further information in relation MRE, please refer to

Our Philosophy:
The people of Medical One work together as an energetic and integrated team to create a positive and supportive environment to deliver well-being.

Our Purpose:
People are the focus of everything we do.

Our Values:
Our philosophy is underpinned by the following values

Healthcare: We aim to provide the highest quality healthcare

Teamwork: We will work as an integrated team to enhance care

Communication: We will take time to listen and explain

Commitment: We are committed to continuous improvement in the care that we deliver
